Frequently-Asked Questions

What is the Junior Achievement System Access?

JASA is a single-sign-on solution for all Junior Achievement systems. Sign in once, and get access to all your applications!

What do I do with High School student volunteers where the school refuses to share an email address for each student due to school district privacy restrictions?

For student volunteers who are age 13 and older JA has the right to ask for an email address. Volunteers and educators including student volunteers are required to have a unique valid email address. Per the Program Implementation Standards each student volunteer and their parent are required to sign a Volunteer Conduct Standards and Social Media Policy. On this document they are required to provide an email address and it may be the parents’ email address. You should use this email address on the student record in BCRM and this is the email address that the student can use to set/reset their password as needed. It is JA USA’s policy to comply with all applicable privacy laws including COPPA, GDPR, and policies established by local school districts. Per Program Implementation Standards JA Areas should contact local school districts about providing consent under COPPA and utilize the “JA USA - Letter to District RE: COPPA” template on the JA Intranet. JA USA and JA Areas should not create real working email addresses for student use. It is not the role of JA to create actual email addresses for students. By providing their own email address (or a parent email address) student volunteers will have the benefit of self-password management which alleviates additional workload on JA staff. Should a school district refuse to allow student volunteers and their parents to share a valid and unique email address those students will be unable to act as a JA student volunteer.

What are the email address requirements for each of the Capstone programs?

JA Titan: The new JA Titan requires email addresses for educators volunteers and students. “No email” can be selected for the student role when needed in the UMS. The UMS will then generate a unique email address for each student to use for login (for login use only; will not be a functioning email account). JA Finance Park: Advanced Version (site based and virtual): JA Finance Park will require email addresses for educators volunteers and students. Entry Version (virtual): JA Finance Park will require email addresses for educators volunteers and students. Entry Version (site based) / Classic 1.0: This version does not require email addresses as students log in with account numbers. “No email” for students can be selected for the student role when needed in the UMS. The UMS will then generate a unique email address for each student to use for login (for login use only; will not be a functioning email account). JA BizTown: Students and volunteers do not log into the JA BizTown simulation. JA BizTown staff log into the simulation with unique valid email addresses. Educators who access the JA BizTown portal will need unique valid email addresses.

What if a volunteer or educator refuses to provide an email address?

Volunteers and educators are required to have a unique valid email address. This follows our program implementation standards. Should an adult educator or volunteer refuse to provide a valid and unique email address they will be unable to participate in JA programs.

How will volunteers and educators gain access to JA Resources on JA Connect? Currently we have one login that we share with all elementary volunteers and educators. Will there be a new process that connects them from BCRM to the UMS?

Each educator and volunteer will need their own email address and password to access JA Connect including blended programs and program resources. Users with their own email addresses will have the benefit of self-password management which alleviates additional workload on JA staff. The automated process for Program Resources will be implemented at a future date.

Is the JASA welcome email sent to volunteers and educators upon creating the class driven by a start date in BCRM or driven by “starting” the class in the UMS? Depending on when it is generated we are concerned that volunteers and educators may receive their emails too soon.

Educators and volunteers will receive an email the first time they are confirmed on a class in BCRM. The new email does not contain class information but rather directs the educator and volunteer to complete their account verification and setup process. As JA Areas begin confirming educators and volunteers they may consider sending an additional communication to educators and volunteers alerting them of this system change and account setup process. When the educator or volunteer is ready to begin their JA class in the event they no longer remember their password they will have the option to reset their password on the main login page when attempting to access the Junior Achievement applications.

If a constituent does not have an email in BCRM will we not be able to use that constituent again? Are those constituents permanently archived?

You can edit a BCRM constituent at any point in time. They will not be archived but they cannot be added to a class until they have a valid email address. All volunteers and educators are required to have an email for all programs. You would not need to create another record. If a couple shares an email and they volunteer separately one of them needs to obtain another email address. There are many email providers who offer free accounts.

Is JA USA creating student emails for those who do not want to share an email?

No. JA USA is creating IDs that look like emails for students to use for login purposes only. These logins will not be functioning email accounts and this option is only available for students serving in the role of a student not for student volunteers (see: What do I do with High School student volunteers where the school refuses to share an email address for each student due to school district privacy restrictions?). All of these users will have a default password and they will be unable to change the default password. Students who are serving as a student volunteer must have a valid unique email address.

Will volunteers educators and students receive an email with their login credentials automatically?

Yes. Everyone who provides an email address will receive an email with a link to set their initial password the first time they are confirmed on a class in BCRM. Their account will not be usable until they have completed this step. They have 30 days to complete this step.

If they still have the email they will go to the link and it will indicate the link is expired. The user should then click on the “forgot password” option. This will send them another email allowing the user to set their password. Otherwise they need to go to or whichever application they are attempting to access and click the link for “forgot password.”

Do all volunteers and educators now have a JASA account automatically?

No. Volunteers and educators will be enrolled and their account created automatically as they are confirmed for the first time on a class in BCRM.

Do we use JASA to sign into JA Engage?

JASA will be integrated with JA Engage in August 2021.

Can we do a global reset of all passwords for our JA Area to be a standard password?

No. JA USA and JA Areas cannot perform a global reset of all passwords. Users will self-manage their passwords. The end goal is for each individual to have a single login and password combination to access all Junior Achievement resources.

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